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Hospital executive Laura Krolczyk shared an article about the Trump administration’s reluctance to pay for ventilator production during the pandemic, and was not only fired from her job but publicly attacked by Republican strategist Michael Caputo. He lost his job when the photo was posted on Twitter never mind that Cafferty himself is Mexican. Then there was Emmanuel Cafferty, photographed driving near a BLM protest with his hand out the window, allegedly giving the white supremacist hand gesture.

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But once the story went viral, he became a victim of intense bullying, death threats and lost his gig. Remember the Tennessee man who made global news at the beginning of the pandemic for “stockpiling” 17,000 bottles of hand sanitiser? Matt Colvin was a third-party vendor for Amazon buying goods cheap and selling them for a profit was his business model. Matt Colvin, who was “cancelled” after a story about his stockpile of hand sanitiser went viral.

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